Ripped jeans, sneakers, see-through tops, crop tops, graphic tees might make you shudder if you are someone who's been in business for a long time and prefer a more conservative look. Please then avert your eyes from this post.
This post is for everyone that feels when they hear the words business casual and professional outfits they feel their individuality and personal 'funk' getting muted.
As someone who enjoys pushing the boundaries of what business casual is, I have curated my weekly outfits into a focus on inspiration to allow my readers some confidence in going beyond what business casual can be.
Sometimes it takes one person to be confident enough to stand out, and others will follow. We are always stronger in numbers.
As always, let's get to the style.

So for Monday, a fresh start each week I decided to keep it mostly business professional. I went with denim on a Monday as I felt like it went well with the pink floral in my very blousey bohemian top.
The belt was the fun part of this outfit. even with hearts on it, it reminds me of sailor moon the anime show, (90's nostalgia).
My top is from TORRID but might be sold out by the time this goes up. The belt and jeans are also from Torrid.

I love sheer tops, they keep me cooler but also there's something badass about them. This top is from torrid as well as the pants. the shoes are from Call it Spring.
I love this outfit because of the blocked bold pattern of the big white polka dots as well as the ruffled lettuce neck. I know for me I used to be scared of wearing necks like this scared it would emphasize my fat neck but who the hell cares.
Feeling confident is key. The fact that everything is neutral doesn't make it super out of the box, but the fact its sheer top and with a more casual boot kinda pushes it more out.

The boldest thing from this look is the red lip paired with the very sheer top. if I was going to my retail job I would actually just wear my bra, but I added a tank top because as much as I like to push boundaries I went a bit more conservative for my surroundings.
I love to mix super casual with really dressy. the paper bag pants I have on are pretty dressy as you could wear them to a high profile business meeting with a black blazer and white blouse, but having them with a casual more bohemian top puts them on another level.
The top is Addition Elle spring 2019, Pants are Torrid and shoes call it spring.

I love me some stripes. the rumor is out, horizontal stripes don't actually makes you appear wider. (I mean, I think the bag of Cheetos I ate the other day had more harm than this pattern..)
So for this outfit, I more or less wanted to be comfortable. I wanted to vamp up a super casual long sleeve viscose top with a more professional vest and paper bag dress pants.
The top is from old navy circa 2017, the vest is thrifted from a friend and the pants are TORRID.

This is a dream outfit for me. If I could live in jeans I would. I was unsure to wear this outfit at first because sometimes I find women are expected to dress more conservatively in business settings over men, they get away with more casual stuff but I took a chance and wore my blazer with a Led Zepplin T-shirt which I really love.
to add some 'sass' to it I added my inspired Gucci belt and hoop earrings. For shoes, I ended up wearing my brown boots from the photo above. The blazer is from Addition Elle circa 2015, the jeans and T-shirt are Torrid. And for the belt that is ASOS circa 2017.

I just realized I wore the same boots in every outfit, so brown was an underlying theme for this week.
I love houndstooth print, ever since I believe I watched the live-action 101 dalmatian's I think she wore the print one time and I guess it piqued my interest.
Its always seen as professional with any kind of blazer or dress paint will come in that version of that print.
My Shearling coat is from Addition Elle, the top is giant tiger, pants are from TORRID and belt is from ASOS.
I hope these outfits give you some ideas on how to rock your own business casual style, and maybe encourage you to try something new.
I also hope you enjoy the new platform my blog is on, easier to share, comment & navigate through.
Let me know if there's a topic you want me to blog about next, I'm always open to new ideas.
Have a great week!
Marki xx
